Job Summary ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION: S&TProgrammatics Officers apply technical and programmatic managementexpertise to investigate Government and industry R&D programs,determine resource requirements, and direct activities that createcustomized methodologies and products to address a variety ofgeospatial-intelligence problems. They recommend ways to facilitatetechnology transfer and insertion and may develop multipleintelligence-related products and methods. They collaborate withScientists and other experts to research advanced solutions, testproducts and methods, and develop new capabilities and associatedtradecraft. They provide technical guidance and oversight, conducttechnical outreach, and interpret technical information fornon-scientific audiences. Additional Job Information ADDITIONALINFORMATION: * Develop automated solutions to increase efficiencyand refine processing workflows. Solutions will take into accountGEOINT data characteristics and geospatial system workflows. * Makeprogram scope recommendations concerning RDT&E investments toinclude considerations across internal organizations, the IC,military services, and with international coalition partners. *Prepare and recommend future year budgets and plans in support ofoffice program reviews. * Represent NGA-R GEOINT RDT&Einitiatives to internal and external organizations, relayinformation to and gather from stakeholders. * Provide oversight ofperformers, evaluate technical merit, and/or test criteria ofproposed solution. * Incorporate all business disciplines and fieldgroups for a project into a well-organized, efficient process thatquickly takes the project from conception to production tooperation, aligning all the business and technical objectives ofthe project. * Interpret technical requirements into an overallsystem planning that makes the best working capability at the mostreasonable cost. * Employ and document methods to extract andsegment geographic content and intelligence from imagery and videodata sources, to include satellite imagery, airborne video,ground-photos. * Develop and apply innovative geospatial analysistechniques to triage large volumes of spatio-temporal data. *Establish, configure, test and maintain, application software andsystem management tools. * Evaluate the existing systems andprovide the technical direction to IT support staff SystemsEngineer Skills & Competencies: * Must have good communicationand interpersonal skills, allowing them to coordinate with teammembers in project management, security, asset management, customerservice, or help desk departments. * Must be capable of evaluatingthe progress of teams and providing guidance and instruction tohelp teams solve problems and manage projects. * Must be skilled inconflict resolution, analytical, and decision-making skills arecrucial to this position. Program management is also a desiredskill. This position may be eligible for an INCENTIVE: The selectedcandidates may be offered an incentive as part of the offer ofemployment, based on budget availability. To receive the incentive,the selected candidate must sign a service agreement depending onthe approved amount or duration of the incentive. If the employeeleaves before the end of the service agreement, the employee may berequired to repay a pro rata share amount of the incentive to thegovernment. Additional Application Requirement: You may be asked tocomplete one or more assessments in addition to the application yousubmit on this website as part of your application to NGA. Theseassessments may include but are not limited to: * Onlinequestionnaires or assessments that require you to describe yourjob-related knowledge, skills, abilities, or other characteristicsthat are aligned with the mandatory and desirable qualifications ofthis job posting. The information you provide in the applicationyou submit must support the response you provide to thisquestionnaire. You will receive an email to describe any additionalassessments required. Please monitor your emails and complete anyrequired assessments as soon as possible. Mandatory QualificationsMANDATORY QUALIFICATION CRITERIA: For this particular job,applicants must meet all competencies reflected under the MandatoryQualification Criteria to include education (if required). Onlineapplications must demonstrate qualification by providing specificexamples and associated results, in response to the announcement'smandatory criteria specified in this vacancy announcement: *Experience curating, acquiring, and conditioning GIS, imageryand/or video data from government and non-government organizationsto support research and development projects. * Experience ininformation technology or information technology management. *Project leadership experience with a good understanding of systemsengineering methodology and practices. * Experience in project lifecycle management. * Experience with advanced geospatialapplications such as ArcGIS and/or ENVI model builder. Experiencewith statistical and quantitative analysis to measure data qualityor performance. EDUCATION REQUIREMENT: A. Education: Bachelor'sdegree in Engineering, Optics, Mathematics, Physics, Biology,Chemistry, Geology, Earth Science, Computer Science, Data Science,Multi-Media, Social Sciences or in a related discipline thatincluded 24 semester hours in those fields or ArtificialIntelligence/Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, GeographicInformation Systems, Remote Sensing, Data Analysis/Visualization,Math, or Computer Science. -OR- B. Combination of Education andExperience: A minimum of 24 semester (36 quarter) hours ofcoursework listed in option A, plus experience that demonstratesthe ability to successfully perform the duties associated with thiswork. As a rule, every 30 semester (45 quarter) hours of courseworkis equivalent to one year of experience. Candidates should showthat their combination of education and experience totals to 4years. -OR- C. Experience: A minimum of 5 years professionalexperience in any of the areas listed above or one or more of thefollowing fields: Intelligence; DoD Intelligence Surveillance andReconnaissance, remote sensing, field/laboratory experimentation,laboratory infrastructure/IT or technical writing that demonstratesthe ability to successfully perform the duties associated with thiswork. Highly Desired Qualifications QUALIFICATION CRITERIA: Inaddition to the mandatory qualifications, experience in thefollowing is desired: * Masters Degree in Computer Science, ImageScience, Data Science, Information Systems Management or ComputerSystems Engineering Or Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, ImageScience, Information Systems Management or Computer SystemsEngineering. Experience in the DoD/IC community. * Experience withanalyzing, collecting, formatting of GEOINT data (EO, Spectral,video data - e.g. full motion video (FMV), wide area motion imagery(WAMI). * Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) orAssociate Systems Engineering Professional (ASEP). * Cloudexperience, preferably in AWS, Scripting skills (e.g., shellscripts, Perl, Ruby, Python). Additional Job Requirements You mustbe able to obtain and retain a Top Secret security clearance withaccess to Sensitive Compartmented Information. In addition, you aresubject to a Counterintelligence Polygraph examination in order tomaintain access to Top Secret information. All employees aresubject to a periodic examination on a random basis in order todetermine continued eligibility. Refusal to take the examinationmay result in denial of access to Top Secret information, SAP,and/or unescorted access to SCIFs. Employees with SCI access andwho are under NGA cognizance are required to submit a SecurityFinancial Disclosure Report, SF-714, on an annual basis in order todetermine continued eligibility. Failure to comply may negativelyimpact continued access to Top Secret information, InformationSystems, SAP, and/or unescorted access to SCIFs. Pay, Benefits,& Work Schedule PROMOTION OPPORTUNITY: Promotion opportunitiesallow applicants at all band levels to be considered.Qualifications for NGA positions do not include specifictime-in-band requirements. NGA will emphasize quality ofexperience, rather than duration, and assess how the quality of theexperience demonstrates possession of the knowledge, skills,abilities, and competencies necessary for successful jobperformance in the NGA occupational structure. Band 04 $102,663 -$157,709 PERMANENT CHANGE IN STATION: PCS expenses are authorized.Pay is only part of the compensation you will earn working for theFederal Government. We offer a broad array of benefits programs andfamily friendly flexibilities to meet the needs of you and yourfamily. For more information on the array of benefits programs,please visit CoverLetter Applicants are not required to submit a cover letter. Theentire cover letter cannot exceed the specified limits provided inthe Cover Letter field (3,000 characters). Pages exceeding thislimit will not be considered. The cover letter is recommended butis not required for employment consideration with the NationalGeospatial-Intelligence Agency. Applicants should place theirnarrative information in the Cover Letter / Other ProfessionalDetails field. Who may apply External Applicants Only How to applyApplication submission involves applying using the IntelligenceCommunity's Applicant Gateway on-line application process. ONLYELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. How will I be evaluated?APPLICANT EVALUATION PROCESS: Applicants will be evaluated for thisjob opportunity in three stages: * All applicants will be evaluatedusing the Mandatory Qualification Criteria, * Qualified applicantswill then be evaluated by an expert or panel of experts using acombination of qualification criteria to determine thebest-qualified candidates, * Best-qualified applicants may then befurther evaluated through an interview process. Military retireeapplicants, if selected, may be impacted by the 180-day appointmentrestrictions of DODI 1402.01. HD personnel will provide additionalinformation if applicable. Applicants are encouraged to carefullyreview the Assignment Description, Additional Information ProvidedBy the Selecting Official, and the Qualification Requirements; andthen construct their resumes to highlight their most relevant andsignificant experience and education for this job opportunity. Thisdescription should include examples that detail the level andcomplexity of the performed work. Applicants are encouraged toprovide any education information referenced in the announcement.If education is listed as a mandatory requirement, only degreesobtained from an institution accredited by an accreditingorganization recognized by the Secretary, US Department ofEducation will be accepted. In accordance with section 9902(h) oftitle 5, United States Code, annuitants reemployed in theDepartment of Defense shall receive full annuity and salary uponappointment. They shall not be eligible for retirementcontributions, participation in the Thrift Savings Plan, or asupplemental or redetermined annuity for the reemployment period.Discontinued service retirement annuitants (i.e., retired undersection 8336(d)(1) or 8414(b)(1)(A) of title 5, United States Code)appointed to the Department of Defense may elect to be subject toretirement provisions of the new appointment as appropriate. (SeeDoD Instruction 1400.25, Volume 300, at All candidates will beconsidered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, nationalorigin, age, marital status, disability, or sexual orientation. NGAprovides reasonable accommodations to applicants with disabilities.Applications will only be accepted online. If you need a reasonableaccommodation for any part of the application and hiring process,please notify us at EMAIL_HIDDEN. The decision on grantingreasonable accommodation will be on a case-by-case basis.Conditions of Employment As a condition of employment at NGA,persons being considered for employment must meet NGA fitness foremployment standards. * U.S. Citizenship Required * SecurityClearance (Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information) *Polygraph Test Required * Position Subject to Drug Testing * TwoYear Probationary Period * Direct Deposit Required DCIPS DisclaimerNGA utilizes all processes and procedures of the Defense CivilianIntelligence Personnel System (DCIPS). Non-executive NGA employeesare assigned to five distinct pay bands based on the type and scopeof work performed. The employee's base salary is established withintheir assigned pay band based on their unique qualifications. Aperformance pay process is conducted each year to determine apotential base pay salary increase and/or bonus. An employee'sannual performance evaluation is a key factor in the performancepay process. Employees on term or temporary appointments are noteligible to apply for internal assignment opportunity notices. Thisposition is a DCIPS position in the Excepted Service under 10U.S.C. 1601. DoD Components with DCIPS positions apply Veterans'Preference to preference eligible candidates as defined by Section2108 of Title 5 USC, in accordance with the procedures provided inDoD Instruction 1400.25, Volume 2005, DCIPS Employment andPlacement. If you are an external applicant claiming veterans'preference, as defined by Section 2108 of Title 5 U.S.C., you mustself-identify your eligibility in your application.