Available Job

ICT Customer Support Officer

Role requires successful candidate to work with students, staff and families in all aspects relating to IT, laptops, systems and networks.

Specific Duties

1.Develop a yearly action/management plan in consultation with the Assistant Principal overseeing IT

2. Provides support, education and guidance to students, staff, families and external parties in the installation and continued maintenance of computer hardware and software, programs and infrastructure, including the diagnosis and resolution of technical problems and issues as they arise.

3.Install/load and maintain all required hardware, software, network and SOE

4.Assist Specialist Technician with server/network equipment installation and maintenance

5.Provide technical support and network access to all staff and students

6.Support the 1:1 netbook program including BYOD, setting up laptops, repairs and bond refund administration

7.Undertake technical facets of Test Portals (ACER PAT, Ondemand, NAPLAN, Morrisby), Timetable Package and Student Management Portal

8.Scheduled data imports and exports

9.Undertake technical facts of LMS, SPA , Power BI and other College wide data holding systems including Compass, First Class, CASES & Reports

10.Assist with technical aspects of the Colleges webpage and tv communications

11.DET notebook administration and Edumail accounts administration

12.Regularly provide advice to the Curriculum AP and LT about new software and hardware technologies and support STEM implementation through hardware research and support

13.Maintain current and accurate inventory of technology hardware, software and resources

14.Maintain log and/or list of required IT repairs and maintenance and manage ICT equipment lifecycle

15.Make recommendations about purchase of technology resources and prepare IT purchase orders

16.Research and trial current and potential resources and services, such as new and updated versions of software platforms, and advise the Principal team appropriately

17.Actively research and install appropriate moodle plug ins in consultation with Curriculum AP

18.Install work stations and any other ICT devices

19.Connect and set up hardware including classroom AV equipment and printers

20.Monitor security of all technology

21.Advise staff of security breach and/or change in password or security status

22.Identify and prepare hardware for disposal when appropriate

23.Ensure hardware is stripped and secured before disposal

24.Provide access to archived information system data

25.IT budget preparation, writing and management

26.Support with completion of Privacy Impact Assessments

27.Writing and submission of summary reports to the Principal team bi-termly. Summary reports including:

o Edustar ISP, Internet usage / Eduproxy

o IT inventory and repair

o HelpDesk tickets

28.Reports as requested by the Principal team (remote learning – daily issues report)NOT APPLOCABLE

29.Advise teachers and students on aspects of information technology and use in the school

30.Conduct training and instruction to school colleagues within for new technologies, platforms, programs, cloud services and other technical needs.

31.Liase with Facilities team to support CCTV system

32.Administer school’s IP Phones (NEC)

33.Assist Leadership team with conducting PIAs for online portals

34.Lead, develop and implement college’s cybersafety program

Other Duties

·Other duties as reasonably required by the Principal or their delegate

Key College Connections

As part of the School community, all staff are expected to liaise positively and respectfully with all other members of the School community – teachers, education support staff, students, parents and visitors. Key College connections, are those personnel which this position requires the incumbent to regularly interact or collaborate with in order to perform some or all duties of the position.

·Principal Team

·Specialist Technician


·External suppliers

Essential Knowledge

·Certificate IV or Diploma in Information Technology,but replaceable with relevant work experience

·Microsoft Certification

·Email and Web applications

Evaluation of Role Effectiveness

·Performance review

·Feedback from staff

·Provision, access and usage of IT equipment to support the learning community

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